Thursday, December 8, 2011

Everyday Without a NO is a VICTORY

So, tonight is the first night of my blog.

It has been a busy night for an author who just wants to get down to writing. It's almost a slap of cold hard reality that being an author isn't just writing a story and having people read it. It can be hard to remember where the fun lies, and where the work ends.

So I find it's important for every author to celebrate the victories, even the small ones.
So successfully getting this blog up and running is Victory.
 Making my Twitter is also a nice victory.!/TrishaEllen1
Gathering up my wits and Making a FaceBook FanPage Yet another Victory.

So while i haven't gotten much in the way of writing done tonight i do have a few victories to celebrate. A friend of mine who also happens to be a fellow author has said something to me that makes a lot of sense which has spurred this blog post (that i was going to put off till tomorrow)

She said "every day without a no is a victory"

This is true for us authors, we are constantly at the mercy of publishers and editors. Every day we feel that looming NO hanging over our heads, especially after we have submitted something and the time for response keeps drawing nearer and nearer.

So in the light of this, I am going to celebrate the accomplishments of the day, and leave the ''No's'' Floating about in space for the time being. After all there will be plenty of them.

1 comment:

Fox R. R. Haddock said...

Could not have said it better. And I raise a glass to join you. Cheers!

May the yeses pour in and the nos get lost as spam.