Children are the worlds biggest joy to have around, they are an authors inspiration....The things they say can irritate, flabbergast or bring the sunshine to anyone's day. Every parent worth a grain of salt will tell you the same thing. They'd be lost with out their children.
Yet, i find myself this week looking at my niece for guidance. Awwed i am by the simplest things she does and says. the fiesty attitude when she wants something, the fearless jaunt of her chin as she daringly climbes on to the counter for her morning ceral. Her slack jawed wide eye'd excitement over the small flecks of snow falling from the morning sky.
They're little lives are both so easy and yet so hard.
They take everything in this world in with that wide eyed wonder and Independence only childhood adolescence can bring. Yet, astonishingly enough they are never afraid to ask for help, to cry out when the need a hug, to scream when they are scared.
Children are amazing creaters and it makes me wonder why as we grew older that all changed. We forgot the simply joy of fetching breakfast like a big girl (while our parents walked in on the milk-splattered-breakfast-everywhere kitchen that had been cleaned the night before. We forego the joy of snow for the cringing disposition of having to shovel it. We moan and groan over the simplest things and forget the joy and wonder this world holds.
We pay the bills, we sweat and cry over the little money we earn, we fret over deadlines, the next big break, how many burgers we flip. We never look at the morning and say, 'Wow'.
My niece has re-taught me the value of the simple pleasures in life this past week. With stress up to my eyeballs- it was a reminder well needed. One that came as the same sort of wide-eye'd-slack-jawed expression that she held this very morning as the little flakes of snow fell from the sky. this epiphany of sorts came after the hundredth time of being asked to watch 'eensy-weensy-spider' on youtube and my finally giving in.
The simple joy of watching her sing and dance to that little children song was all it took for me to remember life isn't so bad-even when S*)&% hits the fan. It's something i would like you all to remember from your child hoods as well. So for you all today, i went and found the same video that my niece found such joy in.
If you have children, this group is amazing and worth gathering their videos up on DVD if you can find them.
Love and Joy to you all in this stressful time of year.
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