Monday, March 26, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Jocelyn Combe (SapphireGamgee)

 Why Hello There
Hello Again,

Today I am going to be stepping away from the monotony of Normal everyday blogging, writing, and just plain old internet browsing and instead I am doing an Artists Spotlight.

Yes, that's right you read that correctly. Instead of my promised regular Author's Spotlight today I am taking my time out to shine the spot light on a very special artist, who has grown very near and dear to my heart. An artist who has taken to the digital field and already shines all on her own. She is known by many on different art hosting sites, however this little author (and Blogger) Knows this wonderful soul as the one and only Jocelyn Combe A.K.A SapphireGamgee.

I first came across Jocelyn while searching for fan-images based around a childhood favorite show of mine and was wonderfully surprised when i came across her work (On Google no less). The first piece of Art I ever found was not the lovable bird to the Left of the screen, but rather something lacking the vibrant colour that she tends to use.

Duo Creature 
Despite the lack of colour, the work was amazing, The sure strokes of her mouse, and the effort you could see put in to the image was astounding. Of course the character she had drawn was not of her own creation, but it didn't matter, She managed to bring out the Character's inner mischievousness spirit and personality better then anyone i have seen to date. Jocelyn manages to Always puts her own unique twist to all her art; like a true master you can always tell if a piece was done my the magic endowed hands of Jocelyn Combe.
Water Mage

Being a Southern California native, and a proud holder of a Bachelor's Degree for Art and Illustration (Whitter College 2004) Jocelyn is a shining example as to what an artist truly is. Always searching for a challenge to expand her already overflowing talents and skills, she is open to All Constructive imput from anyone.
Disney Princess Cheer Box

While her art is stupendous, and always inspiring myself as an author to strive to greater heights within my own genre; Jocelyn is also a kind and gentle soul. She is driven always striving to do her best whether it is working on Comissioned works from Fans and collectors alike, or simply working on piece inspired by a random occurance.

Stealing A Pie

Openly admitted to being a fan of Lord of the Ring, Anime, Disney, Watership Down and other wonderful forms of both entertainment and Art; Jocelyn continues to brighten my day every time i find yet another wonderful piece of work in my alerts.

You are Closer to Death than I

She never fails to bring a smile to my face. In fact, I have personally comissioned a piece from her and egerly await the finished product! I hope everyone gets to catch at least a glimps of this wonderful artist and find the same enjoyment in her pieces as I do.

Harry Potter

Now that i have caught your attention dear readers I am sure you are wondering where you're going to be able to locate all of her works? Well look no further, she has many accounts on many sites as i have said, and here is a Set of links to where you can find everything. 

DeviantArt: [Link]   

ElfWood: [Link]

Art Portfolio:[Link]


To close, THANKYOU Sapphire (Jocelyn) Gamgee For all the wonderful works you have produced thus far and Please Keep up the wonderful work! The world needs artists of your talent and caliber! 

All Art Shown in this Blog Entry is the creative-Artistic Property of Jocelyn Combe- Do not distribute, print, claim as your own ect. It's not cool! 

All Copywritten Characters belong to their respective owners.